Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kellie's Maternity Photos {St. George Maternity Photographer)

I have had this idea brewing for quite some time and was so happy that my friend Kellie was willing to humor me and stand on a mountain pregnant and half dressed :). We hauled out all the equipment and off we went. Love how these turned out!



And a few from our studio session:




Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The B Family {Southern Utah Family Photographer}

Beautiful Family, beautiful kids...what more could I ask for?




The J Family {Southern Utah Family Photographer}

Do you see the trend these days?? It is family picture time! This is my dear friend and one of my greatest clients. I have taken pics for her since her oldest were newborns!

This is one of my favorite spots to photograph. I love Snow Canyon. There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world and we have it in our back yard!! What luck!


The M Family {St. George Family Photographer}



handsome couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary,
so their beautiful family
was here to celebrate with them. Every single person in this family was good looking...they have some good genes in that pool!

Hope you like your preview. It sure was fun taking these!







Thursday, October 22, 2009

K & S Engagement {St. George Photographer}

What a beautiful couple. I was so excited when the said they wanted to take pictures in the red rock. I feel like it gets so overlooked and it is so amazing. Add a gorgeous couple to that and you have some really fantastic pictures!!





The S Family {St. George Family Photographer}

What a beautiful family. They adopted their two youngest and recently were able to be sealed in an LDS temple to the youngest. So much fun to get to know and photograph!






Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sweet Baby H {St. George Newborn Photographer}

This little guy was a JOY to photograph. He was content the whole time and would let me curl him in any way I chose! What a sweet little thing!




I think this is one of my new all time favorite newborn shots!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fashion Monday?? {St. George Photographer}

So, I am a few days late with this, but I did get the looks picked before Friday! We went out of town for the weekend so between packing and whatnot, I just couldn't get it all together! Anyway...these are some great looks for parents. All the looks are from Boden. Boden is so great at putting various pieces together and making them look awesome. I love the layers. They photograph really well and they allow you to coordinate more easily with other family members. For instance, the outfit with the red coat could be paired with a cute denim skirt and shirt for a little girl and the boys could wear sweaters in colors that match the shirt or plain polos. The red makes a real statement. If you notice, her heels are the plum color of the man's outfit to the left of it. Those two outfits would look awesome in pictures. They are casual enough to still be comfortable, but a little more than the daily Target t-shirt (hello me) and comfortable jeans. Make sense? Adding outer wear makes all of these outfits more unique. Also, love the scarf on the middle bottom man's outfit. Just a little detail that adds a lot.

And, I don't think you have to go to Boden to get a look like this. I bet most of us have pieces in our current wardrobe that could be added to liven our outfit up a bit. Check out Boden for great ideas though!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2009 Sessions {St. George Photographer}

I currently have one session left available for the Christmas season. Please contact me if you are interested in booking a session before the end of the year.

Of course, I still make room for newborns and studio sessions!

Exciting things on the horizon!! {St. George Photographer}

Stay tuned...I am working on a new and improved blog and to celebrate I am going to do some give aways!

I am only letting my loyal commenters win though! Just kidding, but seriously, where did everyone go??

I am VERY excited!

The Wittwer Family {Southern Utah Family Photographer}

Whew...these kids have more energy than you can possibly imagine. I am tired just remembering chasing around after them. They were in and out of trees, running back and forth. Wow. I wish I could bottle the energy (I could use some tonight!).

Can you believe how beautiful every single one of the kids is though?





