Saturday, August 23, 2008

Models needed!!

I am looking for a family that is interested in being models for me. Email me at info(at) if you are interested!!


farmgirl said...

Well, ok if your going to twist my arm... are you a big fan of the angry,pouty look? Because you know I happened to have someone who at times doesn't give much of anything else ;) and also the turning and storming off in the other direction (actually, i believe you've already incountered that) I'm sure thats also really very helpful during a photo shoot.

Angee Leishman said...

I would love to donate my kids! I LOVE LOVE LOVE pictures!!!
Angee Leishman

staci said...

Hey Staci,
It's Staci Barlow from the ward. I found your personal blog off Jen Leach's and then found this one off your personal blog. Hope you don't mind me checking it out! Anyway, we would love to be models for you! I have been thinking that we need some family pictures anyway (I also need some of my kids too). So call me or email me ( if we can be your models! :) Also, send me your email address and I will invite you to my blog (it's private).

Thanks Staci! :)


Brooke said...

Hi Stacia,
I found your blog on Angee Leishman's. I hope you don't mind me checking it out! I love the pix's. I also do photography, but have the same problem that most photographer moms do. My girls are perfect angels for anyone but me. Somehow I manage to get a few lucky shots of them, every now and then. Anyways, I would love to offer my girls to be models for you! Check out my family blog at

As I said a few lucky shots~~~
Jaylee is 7 years old
Elsa is 4 &
McKenna is 3+ months

Kristen said...

Hey Staci- I saw your link on my friend Angee’s blog. Are you still needing models? My little family would be interested. If not, I may be interested in making an appointment with you. You are amazing!!

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Well...Of course I have to offer. I would LOVE for you to take pictures of us. Don't know if you need a fam quite as big as mine (maybe more work than you want), but please let me know if you would be interested in taking our pics. BTW...I'm preg, but not showing yet. Are you guys still doing the photoshop class?